Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bandera Mountain

We drove to the Ira Springs Trailhead off of exit 45 on I-90 to hike up towards Bandera Mountain to see the beargrass bloom, enjoy the views and other wildflowers. We hiked up to a large boulder filed just below the false summit on Bandera for our lunch break, 6.4 miles with 2.700 ft gain.
We saw lots of bunchberries in bloom along with other wildflowers.
Small waterfall along Denny Creek
View of McClellan Butte from the bridge over Denny Creek

a flower covered boulder along the trail
views of peaks from further up the trail

Until we reached the split with the Mason Lake Trail, we were hiking in the forest.

some of the beargrass along the trail

Once the trail splits from the Mason Lake Trail, it becomes very steep.

View of Mt Rainier to the south:
zoom of Mt Rainier

very steep

Views from the boulder field where we took our lunch break and turned around.

and heading back down the trail:

some of the wildflowers and fungi we saw along the trail:








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