Thursday, June 6, 2024

Swauk Forest Discovery Trail

Drove up to Blewett Pass and FSR 9716 to hike the Swauk Forest Discovery Trail. This is a 2.75 mile loop trail with a total of 330 ft of gain. I read the Tweedy's Lewesia was in bloom and was excited to see so many plants in bloom. I had this trail to myself this morning.
I did the loop counterclockwise. After 1/2 mile or so, I could see a distant Mt Rainier between the trees.

Soon the train opened up with more wildflowers in bloom, such as these balsamroot and 

As I continued around the loop, there were views of Diamond Head to the southeast.

Here are some of the Tweedy's Lewesia plants seen along the trail:

Along the trail going up and over a hill are a couple f clematis plants.
There is a very short side trail to the top of the hill, off of the lope trail.
To the southwest is a distant Mt Rainier
zoom of Mt Rainier

To the east is Mount Stuart and Teanaway peaks
partial zoom

zoom of Mount Stuart
To the northwest are more distant peaks in the Cascades
zoom of some of these peaks

some close ups of the Tweedy's Lewesia blossoms:



some of the other wildflowers seen along the trail today:









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