Friday, June 21, 2024

Pompeys Pillar National Monument

On our drive to Billings, we stopped in Pompeys Pillar to visit Pompeys Pillar National Monument that is also on the National Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

This rock formation was the highest object when William Clark came through in July 25, 1806.

Clarks signature carved into the rock
Others who came by later also carved their names in the rock, sadly they carved over ancient petroglyphs.

Part of Pompeys Pillar as we took the boardwalk/stairs up to the top.

Views of the Yellowstone River from the top

Views of Pompeys Pillar as we hiked around the base.

View of the Yellowstone River from one of the trails 

another view of the Yellowstone River further downstream

Because of the rattlesnakes in the area, I did not get close to the edge of the trails to take phots of most of the wildflowers here.



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