Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mt Zion

Hiked up to Mt Zion from the Dead Fall Trailhead, used the shortcut trail connecting to what looks like a new South Ridge Trail with viewpoints to higher up on the Snow Creek Trail to the summit. Took the regular trail back to the trailhead, about 7.4 miles round trip with 2,300 ft of overall gain. We saw 6 other hikers on the trail today.
This trail has many large moss covered boulders scattered through the forest.

About a mile along the Dead Fall Trail we saw the sign for the Short Cut (I don't believe it saves any distance, but it does save descending and regaining about 400 ft of gain).

We saw more large mossy boulders, 

and some large rocks covered in lichen.

A log placed as a bench along this steep section of the trail.

There were some pink ties to mark the route.

We came to a junction with the South Ridge Trail and followed what appears to be a new trail.

Followed the sign to the South Rock Viewpoint (about 0.1 mile).

No view here this morning, but looks like a nice viewpoint.

Lovely boulders on the main trail.

Another sign and spur trail led to Easter Egg Viewpoint.

Lovely rocks here, even without a view.

About 1.5 - 1.7 miles from the start of the Shortcut Trail, the South Ridge Trail joins the Snow Creek Trail. We were soon at the lower (unmarked) viewpoint, glad to see the clouds were beginning to lift.

We continued up the trail, enjoying the lichen hanging from the trees, and

reached the second (unmarked) viewpoint. Had a bit of a view here.

We decided to go up to the top of Mt Zion, which is surrounded by trees and does not have good views even on a sunny day, before heading back down the trail.

We returned to the upper most viewpoint for our lunch break.

We saw some snowy peaks in the far distance between the clouds.

We returned down the Snow Creek Trail and saw a sign saying "that way" that appears to be another way to access the South Ridge Trail.

Continuing down the Snow Creek Trail, we appreciated this lovely forest, with moss and lichen covering stumps and dead fall besides the boulders and rock.

more large mossy boulders

one of several streams along the trails today

We took the whole Dead Fall Trail back to the trailhead.
some of the wildflowers, fungi, and lichen we saw along the trail today:















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