Friday, June 21, 2024

Diane Gabriel Trail

Our first hike in Makoshika State Park was the Diane Gabriel Trail. We hiked 0.8 miles with 120 ft of gain. Great views, a dinosaur fossil and no one else on the trail. It started to rain lightly on our way back down the trail. View near the trailhead

Views along the trail

At Cains Coulee Junction we took the steep Badlands to Hadsaur Junction route and returned on the less steep Grasslands route.
Along the badlands route

small cave

zoom of what we think is the hadrosaur fossil
We then went to the overlook:

views at the overlook:

Heading back down the traIl:

Along the grasslands route:

In the far distance on the lower hill is the bench at the overlook.

some of the wildflowers seen along the trail:





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