Friday, June 21, 2024

Pictograph Cave State Park

We stopped at Pictograph Cave State Park SE of Billings MT to hike the 0.75 loop trail to 3 caves (I would call them alcoves).  WE hiked the loop counterclockwise going to Pictograph Cave first.

We stayed on the main trail to avoid rattlesnakes. Another hiker who was ahead of us, told us he saw on one the trail that moved into the grass.

On of the rock formations along the loop.

Pictograph Cave is hidden by the trees and is hart to see until you are there. (This view is from across the loop).
This view is on the way to the cave.
We were able to find some of the red pictographs (the black pictographs only show up in certain weather conditions).

zoom of the pictographs we saw

This detailed pictograph was very faint and hard to see.
The main loop trail then goes through this nice shaded section.

On the other side of the loop looking at Middle (we didn't note anything there) and Ghost Caves.

Section of the rock wall between the two caves.

cool boulder

Looking up to Ghost Cave on the left
Rock formation to the left of Ghost Cave, seen on the side trail up to the cave.

Ghost Cave (I wonder if someone thought the boulders in the cave looked like ghosts)

The round boulders are concretions.
More views as we completed the loop.

We saw some wildflowers, I didn't get close to the ones in the grass (avoiding snakes).



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