Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bean Basin

We drove to the Beverly Turnpike Trailhead in the Teanaways to hike up to Bean Creek Basin, the wildflowers were wonderful on a cloudy day. We kind 5 miles round trip with 1,900 ft of gain. We saw 11 other hikers on this trail today, mostly backpackers.
The trail starts along the Beverly Creek Turnpike Trail crossing Beverly Creek on a large bridge at the trailhead.
After about 0.4-0.5 miles the trail splits, we took the right fork along the Bean Creek Basin Trail.

The trail crosses over Bean Cree, we used rocks and downed logs to cross the creek.

There was a wide variety of wildflowers in bloom, including scarlet gilia,

arrowroot balsamroot,



and groundsel.

some views along Bean Creek, here with a small waterfall

The trail again crosses Bean Creek, we saw many shooting stars here.

View of Judi's Peak

enjoying the wildflowers along the trail:

Bean Creek Basin with Bean Peak 

Earl Peak 

Bean Creek near the backcountry camp, where we took our lunch break and turned around.

some of the wildflowers we saw along the trail today:












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