Friday, June 28, 2024

Mount Townsed via the Little Quilcene Trail

We drove up to the Little Quilcene Trail to hike up to Mount Townsend, about 7 miles and 2,200 ft of gain. The rhododendrons are in bloom along with many other wildflowers. Beautiful hike even on a cloudy day.

The majority of this trail is in the forest, it was pretty with the flowers, lichen and

lots of moss.

After the trail joins the  Mount Townsend Trail and climbs up along the west side, we began to get views looking into the northern Olympic peaks.

There were plenty of wildflowers growing along the open slopes.

We took the steep boot track up to the North Peak first.

And were happy to get a view of Mt Baker, Mt Shuksan and

Glacier Peak before they were hidden behind the rising clouds.

zoom of Glacier Peak

View towards the south Peak of Mount Townsend

Views to the west as we walked over to the top of Mount Townsend (the south peak)

zoom of Mt Constance to the southwest

The views to the east were hidden by the clouds.

There was lots of phlox in bloom.

some of the wildflowers and fungi we saw along the trail today: