Friday, May 17, 2024

Snoquera Falls Loop, Moss Lake Nature Loop and Lower Dalles Creek Falls

We drove to Camp Shepard off of Hwy 410 in the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest to hike this morning. We started on the Moss Lake Nature Trail (0.6 mile loop going counterclockwise), then hiked up the Snoquera Falls loop counterclockwise, taking a side trail up to Lower Falls Creek Falls and back from the north end of the Snoquera Falls loop. Overall 7 miles with 1,400ft of gain. We saw 10 other hikers on the trail. These trails are in a lovely forest with tall trees and lots of moss. In places the moss was like a carpet covering the forest floor.
We saw early wildflowers in bloom, including calypso orchids.
Early view of Snoquera Falls going over the Palisades.

The creek below the falls runs over the trail.

We took the steep boot track up to the base of the falls.

Snoquera Falls has a drop of 480 ft

View across from Snoquera Falls 
The trail continues down below the Palisades and lovely rock cliffs

We joined the Pallidades Trail, going across Dalles Creek.

Small ferns growing in the moss

Partial view of Lower Dalles Creek Falls from a boot track off the main Pallisades Tail:

View of Lower Dalles Creek Falls from the base of the falls, more of the falls is hidden by the trees (a total drop of 280 ft)

After a lunch break, we returned to the Snoquera Loop Trail and the trailhead.. Loved seeing these trees growing off a double nurse log.
some of the wildflowers and fungi seen along the trail today:









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