Thursday, May 23, 2024

Lakeshore Trail Backpack

We drove out to Chelan to catch the Lady of the Lake and were dropped off at Prince Creek to do a two day backpack trip along the Lakeshore Trail to Stehekin. The trail goes through the Okanogan-Wenatche National Forest, the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness, private property and the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. This was 17 miles with 1,300 ft gain overall. Lady of the Lake leaving Prince Creek.

Prince Creek upstream and 

downstream from the bridge over the creek.

Views along the trail as we headed northwards.

We saw lots of wildflowers including paintbrush,

lupine, and 

dogwood blossoms.
We had some light rain in the afternoon.

Crossing Cascade Creek

We spent the night at Meadow Creek.

The second day was mostly cloudy with rain in the morning. We were able to see the lower foothills.

trail lined with lupine and tiger lilies

a group of pink lupine

Hill side to the east of us

Lakeshore Trail sign

lots of roses in bloom

Lots of water in Fish Creek

clouds beginning to lift in the late morning

View from Hunts Bluff where we took a lunch break:

Lots of blooming dogwood trees along the trail

Improving views in the afternoon

Another creek crossing

Views close to Shehekin:

We spent the night at the North Cascade Lodge and woke up to blue skies. Some views as we walked to the Stehekin Pastry Company and back:

We took the Lady of the Lake back to Chelan, we saw Domke Falls on the boat ride.


some of the wildflowers seen along the trail:












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