Thursday, May 9, 2024

Iron Bear

We drove to Iron Creek Road off of Hwy 97, to take the Iron Creek Trailhead up to Iron Bear, 6.5 miles with 1,850 ft of gain. We saw many early wildflowers and encountered a few snow patches along the way. Only saw 6 other hikers on this gorgeous day.
Tha balsamroot was just beginning to bloom, most plants were budding.
One of the creeks we crossed on our way up to the ridge.

View to the south
We saw some deer ahead of us on the ridge.

View of Mt Rainier from the ridge

One of the snow patches on the trail.
More snow covering the trail near the top.

After the snow patch and before the top we found a steelhead in bloom on the side of the trail.

The snow at the top was soft and I post holed a few times.

Pano at the top, including Mount Stuart, several Teanaway and Enchantment Peaks to the northwest:

zoom of Mount Stuart 
View further southwest included Mt Adams, the Goat Rocks and Mt Rainier

zoom of Mt Rainier

zoom of the top of Mt Adams

some of the wildflowers seen aolng the trail today:








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