Friday, May 3, 2024

Hurricane Hill

We drove to Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park to hike up to Hurricane Hill. The Hurricane Hill Road still has lots of snow on it, so we hiked from the Hurricane Ridge parking area up Hurricane Hill Road and trail and back. 6 miles round trip with 960 ft of overall gain. View from the parking area at Hurricane Ridge.
Looking towards Mount Olympus
zoom of Mt Olympus
Across the other side of the parking area, we saw deer in the meadow.

The first part of Hurricane Hill Road was completely covered with compact snow.

View towards the Bailey Range

After this the road would alternate between bare and snow covered.

View towards Mount Angeles
Some parts of the trail were completely snow free, some partially covered with snow and other areas completely snow covered.

View looking back to the south
We saw some douglasia in bloom on the rocky hillside part way up the trail.
Heading up Hurricane Hill, with a view towards Mount Angeles 
Panoramic view to the south:

views from a bit further up the hill

The last part of the trail to the top of Hurricane Hill was snow free, 

with snow on either side of the trail/top. View towards Mount Angels and a very distant Mt Baker.
zoom of Mt Baker

Views looking across the Strait of Juan de Fuca:

View to the west:
a large raven

Views from another area of Hurricane Hill looking southward and buttercups in bloom:

Heading back down the trail, lovely to hike into the views.
Back at the parking area, great views of the peaks, even with the increasing clouds.

We saw this deer on the side of the road as we we driving down from Hurricane Ridge.


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