Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Manastash Ridge Loop via Westberg/Prater Trails

We drove out to the Manastash Ridge Trails trailhead near Thorp this morning. We made a loop hike going up Westberg Trail, headed west to come down Cheeky Bugger to Prater Trail. We saw lots of wildflowers (and the bitterroot is blooming!) and only 5 other hikers.

Most of the balsamroot at lower elevations was past peak, but were much better higher up.

Partial zoom looking across to the distant mountain peaks
zoom of Mt Stuart

View from further up the trail: paintbrush, lupine, buckwheat and groundsel in the grass.

Balsamroot, phlox, buckwheat, lupine and groundsel

Another view looking across to the distant mountain peaks to the northwest

Balsamroot, lupine and paintbrush

Balsamroot, phlox and lots of antelope bitterbrush as we get higher up the ridge

lupine, phlox and balsamroot

Oregon sunshine and lupine

View from the top of Westberg Trail

Lots of balsamroot here

Looking across the ridge to the south, the ground is covered with buckwheat, bitterroot, penstemon and

Thompson's paintbrush.

A few of the many bitterroot blossoms we saw this morning:

Heading down the Cheeky Bugger Trail, lots of wildflowers lining the trail.

Remembering to look up for the view also!

Connecting to the Prater Trail, abundant wildflowers, 

extending all the way up the ridge.

And wildflowers growing in the woods.

some of the wildflowers we saw along the trail this morning:














and more bitterroot:


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