Friday, July 19, 2024

Mount Fremont Lookout

We drove up to Sunrise at Mt Rainier National Park to hike to the Mount Fremont Lookout. We started on the Sunrise Rim Trail to Sunrise Camp, then up to Frozen Lake and on to the lookout. After returning to Frozen Lake, we returned via the Sourdough Ridge Trail, 6.5 miles with 1,060 ft overall gain. Beautiful day, lots of wildflowers and gorgeous views!

View of Mt Rainier from the Sunrise Rim Trail

Lots of wildflowers blooming in the forested part of the trail.

Mother grouse, her chicks were too fast for me to get photos.

Reflection at Shadow Lake, the water level was too high to walk around the lake today.
Lots of heather in bloom along the open trail, First Boroughs in the distance.
We had one large and two small snow patches to cross on our way up to Frozen Lake.

Frozen Lake

Close up of the snow on Frozen Lake
View of Frozen Lake and a flower filled meadow on our way up the Mount Fremont Lookout Trail

Many great views of Rainier along the trail:

About 1/2 way up the trail, it levels out a bit and the lookout can be seen in the far distance at the end of the trail>

Large rock resembles a face

Getting closer to the lookout
Mt Rainier from in front of the lookout
View looking through the lookout
View to the north and distant peaks
zoom of Glacier Peak

zoom of other peaks
zoom of Mount Stuart and other Enchantment Peaks (getting hazy there)
View to the northeast

On the way back, we saw a marmot on the trail
We waited for him to scurry off (zoom)
Frozen Lake (zoom) as seen on our hike back down the trail
Clouds moving in over the mountain

a couple of chunks of ice have broken off the snow field and are floating on Frozen Lake
more clouds over Mt Rainier as we head down the Sourdough Ridge Trail
View looking down towards Shadow Lake on the left
zoom of Shadow Lake below

zoom of a large buck resting below the Sourdough Ridge
wildflowers in bloom below Sourdough Ridge

View to the north from one of the "gaps" in the rocks wall of Sourdough Ridge

Mt Rainier as seen as we descend to the parking area back at Sunrise

some of the wildflowers seen along the trails today:















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