Friday, July 12, 2024

Klahhane Ridge

We drove up to Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park to hike to Klahhane Ridge. Our route was from the Big Meadow Trail across from the parking area to the Cirque Rim Nature Trail to the Klahhane (or Hurricane Ridge to Switchback Trail), then up to Klahhane Ridge, then we took the Switchback Trail down to its trailhead planning to take the shuttle back up to Hurricane Ridge (some nice hikers we met gave us a ride up instead). Overall 5.4 miles with 1,200 ft of gain. Gorgeous views, lots of wildflowers and some wildlife made for an exceptional hiking day! View from the parking area looking west.
View of Hurricane Hill to the northwest
Another view of Hurricane Hill from below Sunrise Point
zoom of a marmot in a field below the trail
We saw many wildflowers today, but were amazed at how many larkspur were in bloom throughout most of the trail.
View to the north, Mount Angeles on the right
View to distant Olympic peaks to the south

one of many chipmunks about today

Looking back along the Klahhane Trail towards Hurricane Ridge and Mount Olympus.
zoom of Mount Olympus

Mt Angeles and Klahhane Ridge to the east

We saw lots of Olympic paintbrush in bloom,

and happy to see some of the avalanche lilies were still blooming.

Even in the forested area of the trail, there were plenty of wildflowers.

Lots of color in the meadows

Another prolific bloom were the olympic onions.

The steep Switchback Trail goes through trees and open meadows, offering views of olympic peaks.

We took our time, sauntering along the trail enjoying the color and varieties of flowers in bloom.

Hidden in the trees at the end of one switchback were two young bucks (zoom shot)
As we continued up the trail, the bucks ran across the meadow in front of us and disappeared into the trees.

Some fields were mostly larkspur blooms, others were colored with other flowers, all beautiful!

View of Mt Angeles as we reached Klahhane Ridge

Looking west towards Hurricane Ridge and Mount Olympus

More Olympic Peaks to the south

To the northeast, we could see down to Sequim and the Dungeness Spit.

View of Mt Angeles from the north side of the ridge (we watched some climbers reach the peak)

partial zoom of Sequim, the Dungeness Spit and Mt Baker
zoom of Mt Baker

another chipmunk

After lunch, we returned descending down the Switchback Trai, partial zoom of Hurricane Ridge and Mount Olympus to the west.

Lots of cinque flowers in bloom up on Klahhane Ridge

We enjoyed going down through the steep slopes of the Switchback Trail, with no need to hurry, we took our time delighting in the flowers and

the views!

small stream near the bottom of the Switchback Trail,

here we saw a doe.

some of the many wildflowers we saw along the trails today:























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