Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Grand Valley Badger Valley Loop

We drove to the end of Obstruction Point Road in Olympic National Park to hike down to Grand Valley and up Badger Valley an 8 mile loop with an overall loss/gain of 2,500 ft. We saw lots of wildflowers, lovely views and many deer on the trail today. View from the parking area at Obstruction Point.
zoom of Mt Olympus
We started on the Grand Pass Trail, hiking up to the high point of 6,440 ft before descending into Grand Valley. There was lots of partridgefoot in bloom up here.
One of several grouse we saw.
view down towards Badger Valley to the northeast
Along the ridge were some lovely rocks and boulders, with views of distant Olympic Peaks to the south and west.
zoom of a tarn below us to the north

Another view down towards Badger Valley
As we started our descent, a doe followed along on the ridge above us for a short time.

View to the east, Grand Valley below
a doe and fawn in a meadow below the trail
On the switchbacks, we came across this buck blocking the trail. We stepped off the trail and so did the buck. Eventually he ran straight up hill and we returned to the trail and continued hiking down towards the valley below.
view into the valley with Grand Lake
As we descended, the trail would pass through several meadows filled with wildflowers.
Lots of bright orange paintbrush
A lovely stream crossing
Another view, getting closer to Grand Lake
Another colorful meadow

We took a lunch break near Grand Lake by the junction with the Badger Valley Trail.
Wildflowrs lining the trail
We saw lots of Columbine in bloom in many areas along the trail.
This log bridge with a wire handrail over Grand Creek made me nervous.
As we continued down along the trail, we passed through several meadows with Sierra Larkspur in bloom.
After crossing Badger Creek, the trail begins to climb up through Badger Valley. We heard a cougar while we were hiking in the woods.
The trail passes through many flower filled meadows, between patches of trees.
Lots of wildflowers growing on the hillside above us, 
and below the trail.
We were very happy hikers today!
Lots of vetch in bloom here
AS the trail climbed up out of the trees, there were areas free of flowers, but we'd see loverly blooms along where the water ran from snow melt above.

View looking down into Badger Vally near the top of the switchbacks up to the junction with the Obstruction Point-Deer Park Trail.
some of the many wildflowers seen along the trail today:














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