Monday, July 15, 2024

Buckhorn Pass

We drove up to the Tubal Cain Trailhead in the Northeast Olympics to hike up to Buckhorn Pass, 13 miles round trip with 2,600 ft of gain. We were surprised to only see about 14 other hikers on the trail today, very quiet and peaceful. 
The trail crosses Silver Creek on a footlong near the start of the trail.

The trail soon enters the Buckhorn Wilderness. The first 3.6 miles before crossing Copper Creek is a lovely forest, with the first 2.5 miles lined with many rhododendrons. There were only a few blossoms remaining today.

There were 3 easy creek crossings in this section of the forest.

After passing the junction with the Tubal Canyon Way Trail, we were soon hiking alongside the refreshing Copper Creek.
After 3.6 miles the trail crosses Copper Creek on a couple of logs and then starts climbing up through the forest on the other side of the creek.

There were many wildflowers in bloom, even in the forest sections.

Many areas were lush with colorful blooms in lush vegetation

View of Mount Townsend across the canyon.

Most of the remainder of the trail traveled through open meadows.

We saw several large bunches of Olympic Bellflowers in bloom, the most I've seen on any hike.

We took our time, enjoying the flowers and the views.

Between the trail split to Buckhorn Lake (5.7 miles from the trailhead) and reaching Buckhorn Pass, the goes through open meadows and forest. We saw lots of wildflowers in this forested area.

View of Iron Mountain and Buckhorn Mountain to the east

More meadows filled with wildflowers 
shortly before Buckhorn Pass was a meadow with many magenta Olympic paintbrush in bloom (along with other wildflowers). We were careful to stay on the trail and not tromp through the meadow.

Lots of cinquefoil in bloom at Buckhorn Pass (7 miles from the trailhead).
Views at Buckhorn Pass looking south,

and west.
Olympic violets were in bloom at the Pass, first ones we've seen this summer.

We enjoyed our hike back down through the forest and meadows, loving the blooms!

Shortly after again passing the trail junction to Buckhorn Pass, is a well established side table, saving 1 mile of hiking on the way back down to Copper Creek. Lots of wildflowers in bloom here as well.

some of the wildflowers we saw in bloom along the trail today:
























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