Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Skyline Loop

Drove up to Paradise at Mt Rainier National Park to do a shorten version of the High Skyline Loop Trail, this was 4.5 miles with 1,575 ft of gain. I went up over Alta Vista to the Skyline Trail and after crossing on the High Skyline Trail came down the Golden Gate Trail.  As summer draws to a close, some of the huckleberry bushes were starting to turn red.

Heading up the Alta Vista Trail, I saw 7 deer spread across both sides of the trail. There weren't any other people on this trail this morning.

Overall, I had the majority of the trail to myself today, surprising for a very popular trail. I would come across other hikers now and then, not seeing crowds of people until I was at Edith Creek back near the start.

Looking to the south and the Tatoosh Range
I love how Mt Rainier is in view for the majority of the trail.
One of many Chipmunks getting ready for winter.
I love seeing there were still some paintbrush in bloom along with other wildflowers.

As the trail rose in elevation, I could see distant peaks behind the Tatoosh Range.
zoom of the Goat Rocks

zoom of Mt Adams
zoom of Mt Hood behind Pinnacle Peak 
zoom of Mt St Helens

View of Mt Rainier behind me,  as the trail heads up towards Panorama Point

I took the Pebble Creek Trail, bypassing Panorama Point
Ptarmigan in the heather

snow field near the trail along Pebble Creek
View from Mt Rainier up on the top of the High Skyline Loop Trail, and

a view of the Tatoosh Range and the distant peaks to the south. The clouds were starting to rise up the side of Mt Rainier.

View of Mt Rainier (looking back)  as I headed down towards the Golden Gate Trail.

The Tatoosh Range were almost completely covered by the rising clouds.

Heading down the Golden Gate Trail, it was mostly covered by clouds,
I was blessed to walk into a cloud bow!

Further down the trail, the view was very limited, but I was happy to see the three marmots sitting on these boulders.

Edith Creek
some of the flora seen along the trail today:






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