Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Plummer Peak

We drove up to Reflection Lakes at Mt Rainier National Park to hike up to Plummer Peak this morning, about 4 miles round trip with 1,500' gain. We started out in thick clouds on an empty, quiet trail. We wouldn't see any other hikers until we were back at Pinnacle Peak Saddle on our way back down the trail.
The gentian was blooming along the side of the trail.

We passed several talus fields, where we heard the pika, we didn't see any until we were closer to the saddle.

We eventually hiked above the clouds and had a view of Mt Rainier!

So happy!!!

View of Denman Peak to the west
View of Plummer Peak to the west (we were hoping we would stay above the clouds)
A pika in the large talus field
View from the saddle looking back to the north and Mt Rainier.

This is where the official or "maintained trail" ends.
To the south, above the clouds we could see the Goat Rocks, Mt Adams and Mt Hood
zoom of the Goat Rocks
zoom of Mt Adams

zoom of a hazy Mt Hood
Great views all along the route to Plummer Peak! Mt Rainier to the north

Pinnacle Peak to the east

another view of the Goat Rocks and Mt Adams
Our views are staying above the clouds!
Getting closer to the top of Plummer Peak 

Pinnacle Peak and other Tatoosh Peaks to the east

Watching the clouds rise over Lane Peak to the west.
Near the top of Plummer Peak, we needed to squeeze between a large snag and a boulder.

Views from the top of Plummer Peak, to the north Mt Rainier

Pinnacle and other Tatoosh Peaks to the east

The Goat Rocks and Mt Adams to the southeast 
Mt Adams, Mt Hood and Mt St Helens to the south
zoom of Mt St Helens

The western Tatoosh Peaks mostly covered in the rising clouds along with a partial cloud bow.

As the clouds kept rising, we decided to head down closer to the saddle for our lunch break.
zoom of part of a glacier on Mt Rainier 
The clouds would rise and recede like a tide, while we were heading down.

Happy to stay above the clouds before reaching the exposed section of the trail.

View of Mt Rainier and a partial cloud bow where we had our lunch break.
zoom of a grouse near the trail

BAck on the main trail we saw a resting marmot in a talus field (zoom) and

another pika further along the trail (zoo)
A cloud bow below us and Mt Rainier above the clouds as we continued down, soon after this, we were back hiking in the clouds.
Back down at Reflection Lakes, the clouds were beginning to thin out and we had another view of Mt Rainier. What a fabulous morning! 
some of the wildflowers, berries and fungi seen along the trail this morning:













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