Friday, September 6, 2024

Hole-in-the-Wall Rialto Beach

We drove out to Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park to hike to the Hole-in-the-Wall and a bit beyond for 4.3 miles round trip. It was nice to have cooler weather and smoke free skies. View to the south and James Island by La Push. We headed north towards Hole-in-the-Wall. 

Found many of these on the beach, wonder if they are a type of jellyfish.

There was a little bit of mist and fog when we started out. 

We arrived about 1/2 hour after low tide, so the water was coming in throughout our hike.

Sun rays through the fog as the sun continued to rise.

There are many sea stacks along the way.

 The Hole-in-the-Wall
View from the other side of the the Hole-in-the

Tide pool areas by the Hole-in-the-Wall

We enjoyed exploring this area.
Some of the sea stars and anemones we saw here; 

There were lots of mussels and other shells.

Various seaweed and kelp

Interesting erosion in the rocks through countless tides

As we continued north on the beach, some views looking back towards the Hole-in-the-Wall.

In this cove were many large boulders, and

sea stacks.

Before the tide was high enough to go through the Hole-in-the-Wall again, we headed back through.
We walked slowly back along the beach, enjoying the views as the tide continued to come in.

Seagulls on a boulder in the ocean
The waves seemed to get taller and rougher.

We saw some pelicans flying above the waves.

 Seagull flying inn front of a flock of pelicans floating on the water.
zoom of some pelicans

Another view of James Island as we neared the start of our hike this morning.


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