Monday, September 9, 2024

Burroughs Mountains

We drove up to Sunrise at Mt Rainier National Park to hike to the 3 Burroughs Mountains. We started up the Sunrise Rim Trail and came back along Sourdough Ridge. Overall our hike was 9.3 miles with 2,400 ft of gain. Despite a forecast of mostly cloudy, we need up above the clouds for most of our hike and had fabulous views.  We saw very few other hikers until we were up on Third Burroughs today. An early views of Mt Rainier from the Sunrise Rim Trail.

We saw cascade asters and other wildflowers still in bloom.

We passed by Shadow Lake.

One of many Douglas ground squirrels (and also chipmunks) seen today, most of them were running around very fast getting ready for winter.

One of my favorite views at Glacier Vista.
a marmot below the trail

A view to the east along Glacier Basin

By starting along the Sunrise Rim trail, we had many views hiking towards the mountain. 

A beautiful tarn below
zoom of some of the Goat Rock Peaks seen over a ridge
This hike takes me a long time, because I'm constantly stopping t enjoy the views, here along the side of First Burroughs.
zoom of Little Tahoma

From First Burroughs, looking towards Second Burroughs and Mt Rainier

View towards Skyscraper Mountain and other peaks to the northwest

Heading up Second Burroughs

View from up on Second Burroughs, we were here by ourselves.

Heading down the other side of Second Burroughs, Third Burroughs to the right of Mt Rainier

Continuing up Third Burroughs, we found some wildflowers blooming in what looks like a desolate landscape.

View to the north, we could see Mt Baker (not in this photo), Glacier Peak and Mount Stuart among many northern cascade peaks.

We stopped at the south end of Third Burroughs to enjoy the views and have a lunch break.
wide angle view to the east of Mt Rainier from Third Burroughs:

wide angle view to the west of Mt Rainier from Third Burroughs, Winthrop Glacier below us:

After our break, we headed back down and then up to Second Burroughs.

We heard an avalanche on our way, and turned around to see it.

zoom f the avalanche
Another view from Second Burroughs, some clouds are starting to gather.
View of First Burroughs (and distant peaks to the northeast) from the trail coming down Second Burroughs

On the way down First Burroughs, we had great views of Mt Fremont and Frozen Lake below, as well as
A herd of goats in the distance above Berkley Park (blurry zoom)

After passing Frozen Lake, we continued along Sourdough Ridge, looking back towards First Burroughs and Mt Rainier.
zoom of a mountain goat resting in the shade below Sourdough Ridge

View to the north through a gap in Sourdough Ridge

View of a cloudy Mt Rainier from back at Sunrise
some of the wildflowers we saw along the trail today:







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