Monday, August 12, 2024

Reflection Lakes to Paradise Glacier Trail Loop

We drove up to Mt Rainier National Park to do a loop hike up Mazama Ridge with a side trip on the Paradise Glacier Loop Trail, back to Mazama Ridge and over to and down the Golden Gate Trail, then continued back down to Reflection Lakes via the Lower Lakes Trail. 8.8 miles with 2,100 ft of overall gain. We were in the clouds for the beginning and end of our hike, but had some nice views of Mt Rainier and saw lots of wildflowers. A wonderful day! No view of Mt Rainier at the start of our hike,

but some lovely wildflowers by the lakes. These photos were taken along the "Wonderland Trail that is along the side of the road at Reflection Lakes.
Most of the Lakes Trail is in the woods, but we saw wildflowers and

found many ripe huckleberries to enjoy.
View of Louise Lake from Faraway Rock

pond near Faraway Rock
At the trail split with the High Lakes Trail, we continued up the Lakes Trail along Mazama Ridge, where there several flower filled meadows along the way.

another pond along the trail

As the trail continued up Mazama Ridge, there were more meadows and less trees.

another pond near the trail

We enjoyed going through colorful meadows on the trail.

The clouds began to rise for us to see Mt Rainier across a meadow.

What a joy to be hiking through flower filled meadows and Mt Rainier in view ahead of us!

When the Lakes Trail joined the Skyline Trail, we went right (counterclockwise) to the junction with the Paradise Glacier Trail
and hiked up the Paradise Glacier Trail.

Mt Rainier reflecting in a tarn along the Paradise Glacier Trail
Lovely to see wildflowers growing in what appears to be an otherwise barren landscape.

We continued along a boot track after the end of the "maintained trail" for a ways.
Crossing a snow field

Snow melt creating one of many creeks in this area
Beautiful colors seen in the snow under a snow bridge.

An old weather beaten sign giving caution to hazards in the area.

Further on, we saw a mother and chick ptarmigan

We retuned back to the maintained part Paradise Glacier Trail and took a lunch break, enjoying the view of Mt Rainier before the clouds soon covered the mountain.

Back on the Skyline Trail we continued going counterclockwise . The wildflowers where the trail crosses the Paradise River were plentiful!

Marmot in the meadow

We continued up towards the Golden Gate Trail, enjoying more wildflowers in bloom.

The Golden Gate Trail was very cloudy, with plenty of wildflowers.

Edith Creek

The clouds were higher as we went down the Lakes Trail below Paradise. Although this part of the trail was mainly in the forest, we did pass some small meadows.

Doe and fawn in a small meadow
Another doe in the trail, we waited until she finished her snack and ran up off the trail before we continued.

Paradise Creek at a bridge crossing on the trail.

Another and along the trail.

As we neared Reflection Lakes, we had our first view of some of the Tatoosh Peaks today.

The west end of Reflection Lakes

Looking to the east, there was blue sky over Reflection Lakes, Mt Rainier in the other direction was still covered in clouds.

some of the wildflowers we saw along the trail today:














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