Thursday, August 1, 2024

Naches Peak Loop

We drove up to Chinook Pass to hike the Naches Peak Loop starting from Tipsoo Lake and going clockwise. We hiked around Tipsoo Lake at the beginning and the end of our hike, making our route abut 4.4 miles with 600 ft of overall gain. View of Mt Rainier and a corner of Tipsoo Lake from the side of the road above the lake. 

The meadows around Tipsoo Lake are filled with wildflowers, so gorgeous!

Rosy spirea along Tipsoo Lake Trail

Yakima Peak behind Tipsoo Lake

Mt Rainier reflecting in Tipsoo Lake

Some wildflowers between Tipsoo Lake and the trail to join the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)

The Naches Loop Trail joins the PCT for about 1.5 miles as it crosses highway 410 on a bridge and soon enters the William O Douglas Wilderness.

Lots of paintbrush and other wildflowers along this section of the trail.

Meadow below Naches Peak 

View over towards Sourdough Gap

Naches Peak from across a tarn

Tarn as seen from the PCT


The trails leaves the PCT and enters Mt Rainier National Park,  Big and Little Dewey Lakes below the Naches Peak Loop Trail.

We soon would have views of Mt Rainier and more wildflower meadows around the corner of the trail.

Mt Adams to the south
zoom of Mt Adams

Another view of Mt Rainier before going through the forest back down to Highway 410 and Tipsoo Lake.

Views around Tipsoo Lake in the late morning. 


some of the wildflowers seen along the trail this morning:








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