Saturday, August 15, 2020

Northern Loop Day 3: Carbon River Camp to Lake James

Day 3 of our Northern Loop Backpack: Carbon River Camp to Lake James with a side trip to the Natural Bridge at Windy Gap was 10 miles with 3,500 ft gain and 2,300 ft loss. Our morning started with leaving camp and crossing Cataract Creek.
We then re crossed the Carbon River on the suspension bridge over the Carbon River to rejoin the Wonderland Trail for 1.1 miles before doing the Northern Loop Trail over Windy Gap.
Here the trail descends through the woods, we saw lots of wintergreen in bloom,
shelf fungus on logs and trees,
and pinesap growing out of the forest floor.
We were happy to find fresh water along Spukwush Creek, as there would be no more water available until just before Windy Gap 5+ miles up the trail.
After leaving the Wonderland Trail to hike the Northern Loop Trail, the trail descended a short ways before rising 2,500 ft through the forest to Yellowstone Cliffs 3.4 miles up the trail. We were happy to be hiking in the shade this morning with our heavy packs.
Before we reached Yellowstone Cliffs, we began to see fields of wildflowers, here Sierra Larkspur and paintbrush.
tiger lilies and lupine
fields of wildflowers below Yellowstone Cliffs
my first time in this beautiful area

lots of lovely, colorful flowers as we continued up towards Windy Gap

We were thankful to find a stream below Windy Gap, nice place to take a break, refresh our water supply, and enjoy the views of the Yellowstone Cliffs.
traversing Windy Gap at 5,800 ft
lupine and paintbrush in bloom 
mountain tarn below Crescent Mtn at Windy Gap
wide angle view of Crescent Mountain and the tarn at Windy Gap
enjoying the wildflowers as we continue along Windy Gap
heather in bloom
wildflowers and another view of Crescent Mtn from the west side of Windy Gap
on the west side of Windy Gap in an unmaintained trail to see the Natural Bridge, this is 1.5 miles round trip with 400 ft loss/gain
looking down at the Natural Bridge (half of it hidden by the shade), Lakes Ethel and James below
hiking back to Windy Gap along the Natural Bridge Trail, we could see the crest of Mt Rainier between the peaks on Sluiskin Mountain
From Windy Gap, it is a descent of 1,300 ft in 1.7 miles through the woods to James Camp. After setting up camp, we hiked the short 0.2-0.3 miles to Lake James. Here we enjoyed our dinner while watching the fish jump.

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