Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dusty Lake & Ancient Lakes Spring Hike

 We drove to Eastern Washington to the Quincy Lakes Wildlife Area for a Spring Hike today. We spent a full day hiking into two coulees, combining the Dusty Lake Hike (6 miles rt) and the Ancient Lakes Hike (4 miles rt). There are a lot of different trails within the coulees, old jeep trail, bike trails, narrow foot paths, etc. We did lots of wandering and hiked for more than 10 miles.

 Here we are following an old jeep trail toward the coulee where Dusty Lake is found.

 We followed the wide path up to Dusty Lake near the end of the coulee.
 We found a pleasant place near Dusty Lake to enjoy the view, watch the fish jump and enjoy a variety of birds.
 Even on a cloudy day, there were great reflections in the lake.

 We followed a narrower trail near the cliffs on the north side of this coulee on our way out.
 And hiked up the small rise to the coulee holding the Ancient Lakes.
 We followed the narrow trail through a boulder field near the cliffs on the south side of this other coulee (they were the opposite of the cliffs of the Dusty Lake side).

Panorama looking toward the end of this coulee, with views of some of the Ancient Lakes, there were 5 lakes today.

 There were several trails among the lakes, it was fun to see the views of the lakes from different angles.

There was a nice waterfall in the northeast corner of the coulee holding the ancient lakes.

There is a boot track around the lake leading up to the falls.

More views of the Ancient Lakes:

We hiked back to the car along a trail that followed near the cliffs on the north side of this coulee. There was a large boulder by the trail with a waterfall coming off the cliffs behind us.

Some of the many wildflowers we saw on our hike today:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful hike! It looks so peaceful. The wildflowers are beautiful too!
